Tours in Portugal | Excursions in English

Tours in Portugal

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Знакомство с Лиссабоном на тук-туке
Getting to know Lisbon by tuk-tuk
Reviews (39)

I will share not only the stories of the streets of Lisbon but also tips for conquering the city: where to experience the nightlife of Lisbon, where to go for delicious Portuguese cuisine, where to enjoy live fado, and much more.


Duration: 2 h.

Type: Individual tour

Диалог с Лиссабоном на языке стрит-арта
Dialogue with Lisbon in the language of street art
Reviews (39)

On a tuk-tuk, we will ride through the historical center and periphery of Lisbon and explore the city from the perspective of street art.


Duration: 2 h.

Type: Individual tour

Покорить Лиссабон под парусом
Conquer Lisbon under sail
Reviews (39)

We will be transported to the 16th century - the era when Portugal conquered the oceans. You will learn why the Portuguese were the greatest discoverers, who discovered Brazil, and how little Portugal became the heart of an extensive empire.


Duration: 3 h.

Type: Individual tour

Tours in Portugal
Очаровательная Синтра, Кашкайш и окрестности
Charming Sintra, Cascais and suburbs
Reviews (32)

Sintra, along the streets and gardens of Eden, you will feel the magic and mystery that comes from all the palaces, buildings, and effects of this place.


Duration: 8 h.

Type: Individual tour

Первое знакомство с Лиссабоном для гедонистов
First acquaintance with Lisbon for hedonists
Reviews (32)

You will see not only the historical center of Lisbon but also the remote area of ​​Belen, the longest bridge in Europe, the statue of Christ on the other side of the river, modern Lisbon, and the Ajuda Palace if you wish. Be sure to dine in a traditional restaurant and try the legendary Pastel de nata.


Duration: 6-7 h.

Type: Individual tour

Средневековая Португалия и Атлантика
Medieval Portugal and the Atlantic
Reviews (32)

The narrow streets of the tiny village, paved with paving stones, will greet us with the aroma of freshly baked bread and traditional cherry liqueur. The gray walls of the fortress will tell the story of betrayal and battles they had to see.


Duration: 8 h.

Type: Individual tour

Секреты Тамплиеров
Templars Secrets
Reviews (32)

The legendary knightly Order of the Knights Templar is forever imprinted in the history of Europe. Fervent Catholics, courageous crusaders, premature bankers.


Duration: 8 h.

Type: Individual tour

Между сушей и океаном
Between land and ocean
Reviews (32)

The tour to Arrábida and Setúbal with an experienced guide is a breath of fresh ocean breeze, velvety greenery of the slopes strewn with herbs, and the crunching of the sand of secret beaches.


Duration: 7-8 h.

Type: Individual tour

Винное приключение в Алентежу
Wine adventure in Alentejo
Reviews (32)

This trip is for those who are tired of the standard tourist paths and want to try something unusual in Portugal. For example, take a sunset ride on a century-old Dutch ship and visit a unique village without tourists. Interesting?


Duration: 9-10 h.

Type: Individual tour

Вся красота Алгарве за 1 день. Селфи-тур
All the beauty of the Algarve in 1 day. Selfie tour
Reviews (20)

In a few hours, I will show you the most exciting places in the Algarve along with the most beautiful beaches in the world.


Duration: 8 h.

Type: Individual tour

Первооткрыватели. Бесстрашные смельчаки или хранители мудрости.
Discoverers. Fearless daredevils or guardians of wisdom.
Reviews (20)

It will be a truly unforgettable day - here, at the end of the world, we will feel the wind of change, which beckoned the fearless wanderers to find out what's next.


Duration: 8 h.

Type: Individual tour

Тавира - мавританская принцесса.
Tavira - a Moorish princess.
Reviews (20)

The Phoenicians, the Romans, the Muslims, and finally, the Christians have all left their mark here through the centuries.


Duration: 4 h.

Type: Individual tour

Olhão - возрадившаяся легенда.
Olhão - a legend reborn
Reviews (20)

What could be better than a fresh cup of Portuguese coffee, drunk on a sunny morning, with the sound of the sea? We are in Olhão, a kind of pleasant fishing town.


Duration: 4 h.

Type: Individual tour

Севилья. Путешествие в сказку.
Seville. Journey into a fairy tale.
Reviews (20)

Seville is only 200 km from the Algarve. The trip is pleasant and exciting. Spain is a few km away. 59 km from Faro, having crossed the bridge over the Guadiana, we are already in Ayamonte, the first Spanish border town.


Duration: 9 h.

Type: Individual tour

Ria Formosa - Прекрасная Лагуна.
Ria Formosa - A Beautiful Lagoon
Reviews (20)

Traveling by boat, we will have the opportunity to get to know some of the islands, beaches, and canals and learn a little more about the complex system of the lagoon.


Duration: 6 h.

Type: Individual tour