Cryptocurrency exchange in Portugal - WithPortugal

Cryptocurrency exchange in Portugal

Hello, my name is Alexander, and I represent Casa da Criptomoeda, which helps in exchanging cryptocurrencies in Portugal.

The topic of cryptocurrencies has become very popular worldwide in recent years, and many people currently have pretty impressive amounts of cryptocurrencies on hand, which are pretty challenging to exchange for fiat money in some countries due to current legislation or high taxes. That is why we help to exchange cryptocurrency in Portugal.

We help not only with the exchange of cryptocurrency in euros but also accompany our customers throughout the entire process: from creating a bank account in Portugal to obtaining the exchanged cryptocurrency in euros. It is optional to choose Portugal as a country for your life because you can easily use the withdrawal of funds in any other country to buy real estate, cars or other products. Investing in real estate in Europe is beneficial, especially when you make this transaction by exchanging cryptocurrency and avoid paying taxes on this transaction in Portugal.

Cryptocurrency exchange in Portugal

from 0 to 2.5% commission

cryptocurrency euro
euro cryptocurrency

100 / hour

Individual consultation

How can we be of service to you?

Here is the main list of services we provide at Casa da Criptomoeda:

  • We will help legalize and exchange your cryptocurrency with a withdrawal to a bank account which is loyal to cryptocurrencies
  • We will help you exchange cryptocurrency for cash euros, dollars or other currencies in Europe, Asia, the Americas and the CIS countries
  • We will help save your money on diverse commissions and taxes that are charged for exchanging cryptocurrencies in some countries
  • Furthermore, our company will advise the best counselors if you are interested in obtaining a license for your company to work with cryptocurrencies
Reviews (32)

What does the process of exchanging cryptocurrency in Europe look like with our help?

If you don’t have one yet, we will create a bank account for you in one of the cryptocurrency-friendly banks in Portugal.

We help to complete onboarding and verification (KYC & AML) on our exchange service.

You send the cryptocurrency to one of our exchange addresses, and the equivalent amount in euros is transferred to your bank account in Portugal or any other country in Europe.

If you need help buying a property after exchanging cryptocurrency, real estate agents from the WithPortugal website are ready to help you.

Important: In the process described above, you, as a client, will initially need to go through the KYC and AML processes at the exchange or the bank, so it is very important to have all documentary evidence of the legal origin of your funds. This condition is mandatory, and without it, the exchange of cryptocurrency for fiat money will not be possible in Portugal.

In which countries can you buy real estate for cryptocurrency?

With Casa da Criptomoeda, you can buy a property with cryptocurrency in Portugal. Also, you can exchange cryptocurrency for fiat money for future transactions.

Why is it worth contacting us?

  • Huge experience with cryptocurrency in Portugal

Of course, you can exchange cryptocurrency in Europe on your own, but in this case, there is a considerable risk of opening an account with a bank that will instantly block your account due to the use of cryptocurrency. However, we have extensive experience working with various banks in Portugal, and we know exactly which banks are the most loyal to customers in this area, so you can safely rely on our experience in this area.

  • Absolute transparency

Our clients exchange cryptocurrencies for fiat money through our recommended exchanges. These exchanges are officially registered financial institutions, they have all the necessary licenses, and they ensure their clients' funds. A bank account will also be opened for you in one of the well-known Portuguese banks to be sure that your funds are safe. We will never ask you to transfer your money to any accounts of other individuals or our company account. We will help you exchange your money most efficiently, while they will always be on your own bank account or stock exchange, and you will control every stage of the transaction, making our work as transparent as possible.

  • A legal and straightforward way to withdraw your cryptocurrency funds in euros in Portugal

Many people legally earn significant amounts in cryptocurrency but are afraid to withdraw them to a bank account in their home country due to possible banking restrictions or political changes in the state. If you legally earn in cryptocurrencies and can officially confirm this by providing all the necessary documents, then at Casa da Criptomoeda we will help you legally withdraw your funds and convert them to euros in Portugal. Your bank account will be opened only in banks that are loyal to cryptocurrencies so that later you can safely use your money at your discretion, without any restrictions and sanctions. Whether you want to buy a property in Portugal or just legally transfer your money to Europe, at Casa da Criptomoeda we are ready to help with any of your needs.

Cryptocurrency exchange in Portugal
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